Tuesday 6 January 2015

Happy 2015, welcome to the future!

I am writing this post in the comfort of my living room listening to A Day To Remember's Homesick album (it never gets old). As I get older, January has become one of my favourite months. NO, not because of the freezing cold weather but because of the "endless possibilities" people believe are now at their reach.

I am not a strong believer in"new years resolutions" but I do love the positivity that comes with them. I like to see my friends and the people around me motivated to make small changes to better themselves. May that be quitting smoking, or just taking 30 minute walks a few times a week. January is filled with optimism which is a nice thing to be spoken of on a daily. I'd love to see these resolutions be carried out through out the year and not just for a few weeks. I am guilty of this, and that's why this year I have made some more general goals for myself. 

no1. Fill up on healthy/hardy whole foods
no.2  Photograph/draw or blog daily
no3. Meditate 
no.4 Get some damn tattoo's
no5. Say yes
no6. Start school

These are my own personal goals I'd like to stick to. Leave any negative energy and past grudges in 2014 and say YES to 2015!

Good luck with your goals, regardless if they were made new years day or 2 years ago. Never give up, and practice everyday. 

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